In today's society, there are no such things as selfless good deeds. There is always a motive behind them. I just have to start off with these two strong statements while they still sound agreeable in my head because they are so controversial even I sometimes have a hard time accepting them.
Think of something you deem are selfless good deeds. Charity. Unconditional love. Admitting fault and saying sorry. I am sure, you have experienced at least one of them in your lifetime. How did they make you feel? Good? Exactly my point. The fact that you feel good at the end neglects the act as being deemed selfless.
Let's break it down. Take for instance, feeling and saying sorry. A child broke a window. He felt guilty. So when you are feeling miserable, our selfish self automatically think of a way to make itself feel better again. So what did the boy do? Admitted fault and said sorry. In turn, he was forgiven and even praised. Bingo, job done nicely. He has turned from being miserable to feeling good. We say sorry just because we feel bad and want to feel better again. Therefore, not selfless.
Now, let's tackle charity. Ever notice how donations are accepted by society nowadays? In front of cameras. Next day, what do u see? Pictures and names for a selfless good deed. Does it still sound selfless now? We donate because we can afford to and expect some form of acknowledgement and publicity in return. Therefore, not selfless.
When a mother gives her child unconditional love, she is giving the child the best that she can afford to. The best milk powder, the best education, the best clothes. So he or she can grow into a successful and healthy being. How do you think the mother would feel if in twenty or thirty years time, the child becomes a successful attorney, moves away from her and never returns? Disappointed? Point proven. She gives and gives because she expects a return, therefore not selfless.
You can come up with a million and one things that you feel are selfless but I can assure you, there will always be a motive behind them. Why? We are created selfish fundamentally but we are brought up to think that being selfish is bad. So our body comes up with ways to fool itself into thinking that we are not. I can even go as far as saying creating and using the word 'selfless' is one of the ways. So from now on, wipe that word off your vocabulary and that might be the one true unselfish good deed!